Friday, January 16, 2009

I'd like to show you

I'd like to wake up next to you

and tell you that you mean everything to me

I'd like to feed you pills
and make you soup when you're sick

I'd like to sing you songs
and play for you my music

I'd like to listen to you talk about your problems
and promise never to try and fix them unless you ask

I'd like to drive you to the city
and take you to nice restaurants

I'd like to take your hands
and warm them up for you when they're cold

I'd like to lay in the grass
and look at the world with you

I'd like to stay up late
and watch movies with you

I'd like to go shopping with you
and promise never to bitch even if you've been in Nieman’s for hours

I'd like to write sonnets for you
and put them into your purse when you're not looking

I'd like to hold you
and kiss you to sleep at night

I'd like to wake up next to you
and tell you that you mean everything to me

I'd like to wake
and actually find you next to me

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